Imaginary Camp Fires
We went off to Hammond Park today, accross from the school. The children ran up the hill and started collecting sticks, arranged some rocks and pretended to build a campfire.
They discussed which sticks were too big and which were just right. One boy suggested using a longer stick to put some marshmallows in the fire. Another child explained that a camp fire is outside with a real fire but a BBQ is at home.
One child made the suggestion of placing the rocks in a circle and that they needed more sticks. Some other children joined in and one of the boys mentioned that they would need water and sand to get the fire out later. Then they discussed what else they could put on their fire. They came up with making sausages, hotdogs and candy, big candy. When a child suggested putting salmon on the fire another friend said that he is bringing the fish now. He picked upa little stick and pretended it was a fish. Then he brough a little root and told his friends that it was a carrot. He looked around, carried a bigger branch and explained he found a bigger fish -- a moon fish.
A girl came back with another branch and her friend told her, "Put the big shark in the camp fire"
It was a wonderful experience seeing all the rich imagination building from one child to the next and really working as a team. Although the beginning play had only two players it progressed until all the children at the park were fully engaged! Imagination is truly the fuel of childhood.